Planning & Zoning
Brian Boccanfuso, Administrative Officer
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 am -4:00 pm
Please contact the following individuals directly with any questions:
Planning Board matters – Nancy McGrath 732-446-8367
Zoning Board matters – Janice Moench 732-446-8350
Brian Boccanfuso, Zoning/Code Enforcement/Administrative Official
Planning Board
The Planning Board consists of nine regular members and two alternate members who are residents of the town and appointed by the Mayor. The Board meets the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the court room at Town Hall. A reorganization meeting is held in January to appoint the Board’s own professionals, elect a Chairperson and various other appointments, and establishing meeting dates for the year.
The Planning Board processes applications for “permitted uses” for subdivisions and site plans. Applications are reviewed by the Board professionals and when deemed complete, are scheduled before the Board for a public hearing. Each town has its own ordinances which establishes rules to be met by an applicant.
The Planning Board also prepares the Master Plan. Any amendments have to be submitted to the Planning Board for their review.
Planning Board
Kathy Kwaak (Chairperson)
Todd Brown (Vice Chairperson)
Eric Nelson (Mayor, Class I Member)
Jack McNaboe (Class III Member)
Barry Fisher
Richard Hogan
John Castronovo
Steven Kastell
Barry Jacobson
Nunzio Pollifrone, Alternate #1
Pasquale Givelekian, Alternate #2
Brian Boccanfuso, Administrative Officer
Nancy McGrath, Recording Secretary
Ron Cucchiaro, Esq.,Weiner Law Group LLP (Board Attorney)
Jordan Rizzo, PE, CME Assoc. (Board Engineer)
Jennifer Beahm, PP, Leon S. Avakian Inc. (Board Planner)
Zoning Board of Adjustment
The Zoning Board of Adjustment meets the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the court room at Town Hall. It consists of 7 regular members and two alternate members who are residents of the town and are appointed by the Mayor. A reorganization meeting is held in January to appoint the Board’s own professionals, elect a Chairperson and various other appointments and establishing meeting dates for the year.
The Zoning Board hears cases for “non-permitted uses” and variances. They are the only entity that can grant a use variance. The zoning ordinance establishes specific requirements for a zone which regulates uses for that zone, setbacks, and other regulations specific to a zone. The burden of proof lies with the applicant to prove specific criteria in order to obtain a variance.
Zoning Board
Steven Leviton (Chairman)
Joshua Shalikar (Vice Chariman)
Adam Weiss
Basil Mantagas
Michael Wechsler
John Harrington
Stacey Klompus
Daniel Pochopin, Alternate #1
Jessica Baker Levenson, Alternate #2
Temika Latilla, Alternate #3
Patrick Hughes, Alternate #4
Janice Moench, Recording Secretary
Brian Boccanfuso, Zoning Officer
Albert Marmero, Esq, Marmero Law, LLC
Jordan Rizzo, PE; CME Assoc. (Board Engineer)
Jennifer Beahm, PP, Leon S. Avakian Inc. (Board Planner)
Document List
Zoning Board of Adjustment – Variance Application – Residential Preliminary Requirements
Zoning Board – Public Noticing during Covid-19
Minor Accessory Improvement Application
Housing Element and Fair Share Plan – Adopted 2008
COAH Vandenberg Compl Med Ltr Rpt 01/21/10
COAH Manalapan Notice of Certification 02/05/10
COAH Re Petition Letter 03/11/10
Housing Plan Amendment 04/09/10
Master Plan Document Listing and Date of Planning Board Adoption
Document 1 – Master Plan
Document 2 – Master Plan Re-examination Report 1994
Document 3 – Housing Plan Element & Fair Share Plan 1995
Document 4 – Land Use Plan Element 1998
Document 5 – Resolution of Memorialization Adopting the Re-examination report 1999
Document 6 – Open Space, Recreation & Conservation Element 8-1999
Document 7 – Resolution of Memorialization Adopting an Amendment to Master Plan 2000
Document 8 – Farmland Preservation Plan Element 2001
Document 9 – Land Use Plan Element – Conservation Areas 2001
Document 10 – Master Plan Re-examination Report 2001
Document 11 – Amended Fair Share Plan 2003
Document 12 – Amended Land Use Element for the Villages Consent District 2003
Document 13 – Land Use Element – Route 33 Corridor 2003
Document 14 – Master Plan Re-examination Report 2003
Document 15 – Master Plan-Revision to the Housing Plan Element and Fair Share Plan Element-Adopted 11-29-05
Document 16 – Municipal Stormwater Management Plan
Document 17 – Master Plan-2009 Re-Examination Report-Adopted 7-23-09
Document 18 – Amendment Trail Plan
Document 19 – 2008 Farmland Preservation Plan – Revised and Amended 9-10-2009
Document 20 – Master Plan-Revision to the Housing Plan Element and Fair Share Plan Element-Adopted 4-22-10
Document 21 – Master Plan-Revision to the Housing Plan Element and Fair Share Plan Element-Affordable Housing Sites-Adopted 4-22-10
Document 25 – Master Plan Amendment – OP Zone District and the SED Zone Districts – Adopted 2/23/12
Master Plan Amendment – LB Zone District and the SED Zone Districts – Adopted 9-27-12