Adopt A Spot/Road Program

Manalapan Township Begins New Adopt A Spot/Road Clean Communities Program

Want to help keep Manalapan Township Beautiful, Clean, and Safe?

Join our Adopt-A-Spot/Road program!


Under this new program, residents, local businesses and community organizations can choose to “adopt” either a public spot or road around town, and pledge to do at least two (2) cleanups per year. This program not only ensures the cleanliness of our public areas, but provides a unique opportunity for passionate citizens to learn more about the issues regarding littering while keeping their town beautiful, clean, and safe.

The Township will provide participating groups with gloves, bags, vests, and will collect the bagged litter after the clean-up.  Supplies for this program will be provided by funding through an annual Clean Communities Grant that the Township is given by the State of New Jersey.  The New Jersey Clean Communities program is a statewide, comprehensive, litter-abatement program created by the passage of the Clean Communities Act in 1986. The Act provides a funding source for the program by placing a tax on fifteen categories of businesses that may produce litter-generating products.

Once a registered group completes their clean-up they will have a sign recognizing their work in that location and then be recognized at a public meeting of the Township Committee.  Residents can feel community pride through participating in hands-on work.  Click here for an application.

Please contact with any questions or for additional information on this program.

The Township Committee is excited about this new program and looks forward to working with residents of the community, local businesses and any and all community organizations to continue to keep the Township of Manalapan beautiful, clean, safe and A Great Place to Live.

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