Emergency Management Council & Annex Sub-Committee
Disaster Planning
Disasters can happen any time of the year. It is always good to be prepared for such events. Here are some links to help with disaster planning:
The Red Cross has developed some useful information on how to be prepared for a disaster. Some information includes making a checklist and making a family plan for a disaster emergency.
Family emergency plan: http://www.redcross.org/prepare/location/home-family/plan
Family emergency kit: http://www.redcross.org/prepare/location/home-family/get-kit
The New Jersey’s Department of Health has created an informational guide on how to prepare for a disaster. Here, they list important numbers as well as radio stations for each specific county in New Jersey: http://nj.gov/health/er/documents/citizens_guide.pdf
If you’re a survivor in a disaster, this website helps with contact numbers to FEMA and other help relief programs. http://www.fema.gov/contact-us
Here are important Manalapan Township Emergency Numbers to contact in case of an emergency or other concerns. https://mtnj.org/contact/emergency_numbers/
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL: OEM Coordinator 3 year term Richard W. Hogan (01/01/2023 to 12/31/2025), OEM Coordinator
One-year term:
Mary Ann Musich, Deputy Mayor
Tara Lovrich, Administrator
Susan Cohen, Township Committee Representative
Richard W. Hogan, OEM Coordinator (OEM Coordinator – Three-year term ending 12/31/2025)
Deputy Chief Leonard Maltese, 1st Deputy Coordinator & Alert, Warning & Communications
Captain Michael Hoppock, Emergency Operation Center
Gerry Epstein, Social Services
Scott Rosofsky, Shelter
Alan Spector, Public Works
Margy Jahn, Public Health & Radiological
Lance Andrew, RAACES Officer
Brian Valentino, W.M.U.A. Executive Director
Kim Silverstein, BOH, MRC/CERT
Edward Heckel, Representative M-E School District
Tracie Cuccia, EMS Annex Coordinator
One-year term:
Carson Field, Damage Assessment
Judith Drucker, Emergency Public Information
John Marini, Fire & Rescue
Thomas Kirkland, Hazardous Materials
Steve Ross, Evacuation
Patricia Addario, Resource Management
Kevin Uniglicht, Transportation
Karen Pimentel, Community Service Committee
Francis Gracon, Deputy RAACES Officer
David Kane, Manalapan Englishtown School Board
Glen Mendez, WMUA Alternate
Michael Ratta, Weapons of Mass Destruction