A Message from the NJDEP Regarding Burn Restrictions

NJDEP Fire Ban on All Public Lands and Private Properties in All Municipalities Throughout the StateEXTREME FIRE RISK FOR UPCOMING HOLIDAYS Together we can ensure a festive fall Holiday season -while safeguarding our communities. 🔥 All outdoor fires are prohibited...

Fall Leaf Collection

Fall Leaf Collection:Fall leaf collection will begin on Monday, November 4th and will continue every Monday in November and December. In compliance with NJDEP Stormwater Management Guidelines, Manalapan Township’s policy is that all leaves must be placed in brown...

Rt 9 Shoulder Closing Beginning October 16th

A Message from the NJDOT: Route 9 is scheduled to have daytime shoulder closures in both directions beginning today and continuing over the next several weeks as a pavement preservation project begins in Manalapan, Freehold, and Howell, Monmouth County. From 7:30 a.m....